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Indo House

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Indo House

by Indiansinboston in Boston

Event Type: Entertainment Event

Admission : General Admission - $ 20.00


Prepare yourself for an unforgettable fusion of vibrant Afro-Indian beats and electrifying house music as we present the much-awaited IndoHouse'23 in the heart of Boston!

Get ready to experience a thrilling lineup of talented DJs who will spin an eclectic mix of Bollywood hits and high-energy house tracks that will keep your spirits soaring. Whether you're a lover of Desi beats or a fan of infectious house rhythms, this event promises to deliver a unique auditory experience that will ignite your senses and keep you grooving.

The venue will be transformed into a mesmerizing space with vibrant decorations, stunning lighting effects, and immersive visuals that reflect the colorful and rich heritage of South Asia. Step into a world where East meets West and lose yourself in the pulsating energy of the dance floor.

Dress to impress and embrace the vibrant IndoHouse theme by donning your most stylish fusion outfits. Feel free to blend traditional attire with contemporary fashion, allowing your creativity to shine. Capture the memories of this extraordinary night at our photo booth, where you can strike a pose with your friends and commemorate the unforgettable moments.

Don't miss out on this extraordinary celebration of music, culture, and unity! Secure your tickets early to guarantee your spot at IndoHouse'23. Join us as we create a night that will leave you breathless, dancing to the rhythm of a harmonious blend of beats that transcend borders.

Get ready to experience the magic of IndoHouse and make memories that will last a lifetime. See you on the dance floor!


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Event Information: Indo House by Indiansinboston

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Indo House Occured in past

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This event occured in past